Thursday, March 31, 2005

So you don't want him to go to school, then?

Client is a 15-year-old black kid. On Tuesday they told him he was suspended from school; on Thursday he went back to school anyway and attended classes as normal, with no incidents. The entire school administration -- all the principals and vice principals -- meet Client out in front of the school at the end of the day and tell him that if he comes back they're going to have him arrested. Client tells them he doesn't care and that he's leaving anyway.

Cop follows Client as Client is walking off school grounds. Client asks cop to stop, because he's leaving anyway and the cop is making him nervous. Cop responds by saying"I can do whatever the fuck I want" and grabbing Client and shoving him into the ground. Client is face down with his hands underneath his body. Cop tells Client to give him his wrists so he can cuff Client. Client responds that he can't, because the cop is standing on Client's back. Cop yanks out Client's arms and jerks them behind Client's back. Cop is about 300 pounds; client is 5'5 and 130. Client has no weapons.

Cop calls for backup. Three more cops arrive, for a total of four. The four cops literally lift Client (who is already in cuffs) off his feet and drag him to a cop car across the street. They slam Client into the side of the car, then throw him face-down to the ground, put him in a leg-lock, and grind his pelvis into the pavement. Client tells cops they're hurting him. One cop responds, "oh, so you're not in enough pain then? well now you're in pain" and shoves Client's locked legs into his own back. Client actually starts to cry from the pain, which really says something, considering how often you see teenage boys in tears out in public.

Client has bruising and spraining to his face, arms, wrists, knees, and pelvis. He was unable to walk immediately afterward and continued to have trouble walking for another month. As Client is sitting in a holding cell at the police department, one of the cops says to his buddies, "damn, I wanted to put that kid in the hospital." Client points out that he can hear him, and the cop responds that he doesn't give a fuck. The cops took photos of the Client's injuries and charged him with resisting arrest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can see the PD is all about community outreach. I'm sure that kid is now ready for a life of civic responsibility. Whatever happened to "protect and serve?" I guess it's to "verbally and physically abuse without cause."

Friday, April 08, 2005 11:01:00 AM  
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Wednesday, November 02, 2005 3:06:00 AM  

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