Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Flee collar

Two cops are on the beat near a downtown park, wearing jerseys with “police” written on the front and back. Client approached them, became belligerent, cussed at the cops, and yelled that he did not have anything illegal on him.

The officers told the client to stay back, but the client ignored them. When cops asked to see the client's ID he told them to “fuck off” and took off running. The client elects to run down the street that has the police station on one side and the courthouse on the other. A cop at the station looks out his second-story office window and sees the client right outside with a baggie in his hand and some pieces of crack cocaine on the ground nearby. The client gets arrested and tells cops where they can find some more drugs in some bushes.

Note to clients: if fleeing police officers, run away from the direction of the police station. Also - do not go out of your way to meet up with some cops and then tell them to fuck off.


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