Friday, July 22, 2005


I just got a comment encouraging me to not stop posting. You love me, you really, really do!

Here's what happened. First, the summer law clerks started. These are the law students who come in and work for 10 weeks during the summer. The law students get good hands-on experience; the office gets some decent slave labor. And guess who ends up training and helping the summer law clerks? Just know that the time I would have spent posting here was instead spent expanding the minds and horizons of eager law students, teaching such valuable lessons as the location of the restroom, how to use the photocopier, and the meaning of the Fourth Amendment.

Second, they are transitioning me to working on a death penalty case. In practice this means I focus half my time on a single client, leaving me less access to the cheerful tales of all the other clients that come into the office. Soon I will be working exclusively on the one death penalty case and will have to rely solely on the second-hand accounts of the outraged, tired attorneys who actually have contact with the rest of our happy customers.


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